If you search on google on DummyResourceAdapter, you'll find (at least currently) a lot of open administration consoles of JBoss, the JMX-console. These consoles should not be available to the open internet, but I guess someone forgot the close them.

Take for example the console of the website called www.ccidgroup.net: what would happen when you hit destroy button on the MBean Inspector of the ROOT.war ?


JMX MBean View

MBean Name: Domain Name: jboss.management.local
name: ROOT.war
J2EEServer: Local
J2EEApplication: jbossweb-tomcat55.sar
j2eeType: WebModule
MBean Java Class: org.jboss.management.j2ee.WebModule



I haven't tried and I've sent a mail to webmaster@domain - but I'm slightly curious.