
2012-10-08 19:06:56 +0000

Lots of SF movies and futerist though that the future interface of the computer would be voice: talking to your computer like it was a human. Nothing less is true: the future are gestures to the computer? Why, now that people have smartphones, they could communicate with each other using video-calls - the videophone of the past. Rather than that, many people just post text messages to each other. People prefer to text to other people, why would they even use voice to talk to a computer?

Of course the best interface, next to typing commands to a computer, would be using gestures: just subtle move your hands in front of your screen to get things done.
A few start-ups already have the technology available: Meet the Nimble-Fingered Interface of the Future

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Lean overheid

2012-05-09 10:11:49 +0000

Quite a while, my top posting was about waste at the government.  Now something more positive on waste, and other lean subjects: I recently read the book 'Een lean overheid'. The book is in Dutch, and gives a nice introduction on using Lean in government organizations.
Unlike other lean books, translated to Dutch or not, it's written specifically for the Dutch government. I guess most of this information is relevant for Dutch speaking readers, for those that speak English only: I am very fond of using lean at the government. Some people at the UK government seems to be getting it, as well as the US government. Hopefully the government in the Netherlands catches up soon!

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