JFall on Google Guice
Yesterday I've submitted a paper to NLJUG, the Dutch Java User Group for the JFall 2009 conference. Together with colleagues we worked on a proposal for a very nice presentation on the Google Guice. Like many programmers we were quite skeptical on yet-another Dependency Injection/IC framework. We all know Spring, and dependency injection is now also part of the J2EE 1.5 / EJB3 standard. What makes Guice worth looking at?
In our talk we'll explain (of course) what Google Guice is, and how Guice compares to Spring and EJB3. Hope to see you on JFall!
In between LAN-sync, Dropbox
On both my laptop and my desktop computer I have Zumodrive running, a form of Internet storage I wrote about before. When I store something on my desktop while my laptop is connected to the same network-lan (via WIFI) I always wondered if Zumodrive would be smart enough to directly transfer files from the desktop to the laptop. That way my files would be available a lot faster then when they would be uploaded first.
I still have not bothered to ask Zumodrive, but I just got a newsletter mail from their competitor Dropbox, claiming the following:
we're also finishing up a new version of the Dropbox desktop software that features numerous performance improvements and our new "LAN sync" feature. LAN sync knows when Dropboxes are on the same network and will automatically exchange files directly between computers instead of downloading them from our servers - this makes sharing large files in an office environment much faster than was previously possible.
So all in all Dropbox now has that feature. Either Zumodrive follows fast, or they already do that. Seems kind of obvious feature, LAN-sync, so maybe they already do that.
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