Static website using Jekyll

2015-09-15 12:41:04 +0000

In my daily work I frequently use build-tools such as Maven, Sbt, Meteor (sigh) and version-control software such as Git. Blogging on Wordpress always feels like a step back. My content is in a database with its own versioning control and can only be maintained and added by the Wordpress software itself. Wordpress and plugins are hard to maintain, the only way to update reasonable easy is by using the Wordpress software itself and let PHP overwrite files.

So today I moved my homepage to git, and I started using a static website generator. I didn’t want to spent to much time on choosing the best static website generator. After all, using static files should give me more flexibility to change later on. I did want to import all my Wordpress-posts and pages. On this website I found a nice overview of static generators. Tried Hexo first as this one runs on Node and was in the top 4. Hexo works pretty nice. Wordpress import works reasonable well. However Hexo seems a bit Asian oriented, when using an unrecognized language such as Dutch, it switches to Chinese, specifically Taiwan. Not hard to fix - either add translations myself or update the default locale in the configuration, but still I decided to switch to the most popular static website-generator: jekyll

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Bunq, Dutch startup with banking license

2015-08-26 09:53:45 +0000

A Dutch start-up has a banking licence: Bunq. According to their blog they use Object-Oriented PHP as language of choice, which get me more worried than excited. Nevertheless, quite cool that a startup is going to challenge the Dutch banking world. I am looking forward to what they accomplish.

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